

Buffalo Soldiers National Museum
网址: www.buffalosoldiermuseum.com
电话:(713) 942-8920 地址:1834 Southmore Blvd, Houston, TX 77004

开放时间: Monday - Friday: 10 am - 5 pm; Saturday 10 am - 4 pm; Closed Sunday
门票: $5 per person; $3.00-Students/Seniors 60+ W/ID; 5 and under Free
每周一免费,节日除外FREE MONDAYS (except Holidays)

Byzantine Fresco Chapel Museum

Children's Museum of Houston 休斯顿儿童博物馆
电话:(713) 522-1138 地址: 1500 Binz. St Houston, TX 77004

开放时间:Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Thursday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday from Noon to 6 p.m.
门票:$8 per person and $7 for seniors 65 years and older. FREE for children under one and Museum Members.
免费开放时间:FREE FAMILY NIGHT: Thursdays, 5 - 8 p.m.

Contemporary Arts Museum Houston休斯顿现代艺术博物馆
(713) 284-8250 地址:5216 Montrose, Houston, TX 77006

Hours: Tuesday - Saturday: 10 am - 5 pm; Thursday: 10 am - 9 pm
Sunday: noon - 5 pm; Closed Monday; Thanksgiving Day; Christmas Day; New Year's Day

Czech Center Museum Houston

The Health Museum

Holocaust Museum Houston 大屠杀博物馆-休斯顿

Houston Center for Contemporary Craft休斯顿现代工艺中心

Houston Center for Photography 休斯顿摄影中心
Houston Museum of Natural Science 休斯顿自然科学博物馆

Houston Zoo 休斯顿动物园

The John C. Freeman Weather Museum

The Jung Center of Houston

Lawndale Art Center

The Menil Collection

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston 休斯顿艺术博物馆

Rice University Art Gallery

The Rothko Chapel
